Arch-Angels VibrationsQuart@

Listen "Quart@"


When One takes up the bow to shoot the arrows, something extraordinarily impetuous happens.
The first points to Heaven, which flares up and falls. “Let your Angels fall”
And then many more, in all possible directions.
Another One reaches the exact centre of the chest: for an instant the breathing stops.
Then, the rhythm increases, the breath quickens.
When a talented young conductor holds the baton and accompanies beats and breaths, the Archangels vibrate.
Michael meets Michèle, and it is pure Harmony.


Arch-Angels Vibrations.

“I like to think that the pieces choose me. Each composition is an ecosystem that has important balances within it, but above all each piece represents a story, so inside there is both what is expressed in the writing and what is not expressed but is present in the background.”

M.Di Filippo